MiJing Z20 Pro 16 Series iPhone Middle Layer Reballing Stencil Platform
MiJing BGA Reballing Stencil Platform For iPhone 16 Series Magnetic Fixture Motherboard Middle Frame Soldering Kits
1. MJ 22 in 1 BGA Reballing Stencil Platform Jig Fixture is a professional BGA Reballing Stencil
Fixture for iPhone X-16PM, iPhone X-16PM motherboard BGA reballing fixture tool, is used for
positioning and reballing iPhone X- 16PM PCB BGA parts, convenient and faster for reballing
BGA without any damage, offer you best solution for iPhone X-16PM BGA reballing and repairing.
2. Install the iPhone X-16PMmain board on the platform.
3. Cover the iPhone X-16PM BGA reballing stencil on mainboard.
4. Evenly spread tin on the cover of the reballing stencil.
5. Remove the reballing stencil cover.
6. Take out the motherboard and cooperate with the hot air gun to solidify the tin point.

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